Asset 3Полина Изюмова Гештальт психолог

start of the next group - 10th of February 2025

A deceptive impression is often formed about life in emigration: behind beautiful photos on social networks, a bright, carefree life abroad, in fact, there is a long and difficult process of adaptation to a new socio-cultural environment.

During this period, support is very important, but, unfortunately, not everyone is able to share their experiences with someone, to be heard and noticed.

This group is for you if:

  • You moved to another country (or just planning to do so) and you feel emotionally unstable. You feel that you mood changes: from admiration to indifference or  you feel anger and you have emotional breakdowns on your loved ones;

  • You regret about moving and constantly mentally return to your old life;

  • You feel a lack of close relationships, you have no one to talk “heart to heart” with;

  • You cannot find yourself in a new place or you you cannot find job position or occupation, you feel yourself useless and that no one needs you;

  • You constantly feel tired and sleepy in the absence of heavy mental or physical labor. You feel there is no strength for anything; 

  • You notice symptoms of  diseases you never had before (hair loss, skin rashes, problems with the stomach or intestines, etc.).


The purpose of the group is in group environment to “live” together the complex feelings and emotions associated with moving to new country and arranging a new life (work, friends), reduce anxiety, find new external and internal support in order to start adapting and living in new place.


Formats of work: communication and exchange of experience, exercises and experiments, individual work, in pairs, theoretical and thematic parts followed by group discussions.

The duration of the each session is 2 hours.
The total number of sessions is 15, every week.

Maximum participants - 8.

Group sessions are held online once a week on Mondays 17:00 - 19:00 (London time), 18:00 - 20:00
(Madrid time).
You can participate from any where in the world.


Mira Konina

accredited gestalt therapist, member of the Spanish Association of Gestalt Therapy (AETG).
Emigrated in 2011.

Polina Izyumova

psychologist, an accredited Gestalt therapist.
Lived in 4 different countries.

Feedback in Russian from participants of previous groups

Fees and conditions of participation​

Free preliminary interview is necessary. 
WhatsApp +447366400070

Moscow Gestalt Institute students get hours of this group recorded in students record-book.

If you want to exit group you need to tell about this to one of the facilitators and come to one more session.

€40/ £35 (or 4000 rub.)

We accept payment for each 5 sessions before sessions 
(indicated fees don’t include transfer fees). 
All absences are paid.